On Wednesday December 1, 10 am EST -
Prescription For The Future?
The presenter is Herbert T. Buxton - U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Toxic Substances Hydrology Program Coordinator.
The second seminar in this series, examining the potential and realized impact of pharmaceutical products in the environment, will be presented via live internet video feed at 10 am EST on December 1.
There is no charge for attending this internet seminar but space is limited. To register contact info@wastewatereducation.org - or call 231 233 1806.
It will run until approximately 11.30am. The meeting will stay open for discussion afterwards.
The presentation is free to the public - you may attend via your own computer at home or office or can attend in person at the Benzie County Health Department - http://www.bldhd.org where the event is being sponsored by the Benzie County League of Women Voters. This option is offered for people who want to discuss the issue afterwards or don't have a high speed internet service.
Content will be a review of recently completed and current research in progress, on the presence of, environmental and public health impact of, pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in wastewater, drinking, surface and ground water.
There is growing concern about the long term effects of PPCPs on human health and the natural environment - through a series of science based seminars WasteWater Education 501(c)3, seeks to provide some clarity to the risks involved.
What's in Our Wastewaters and Where Does it Go?
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has implemented a national reconnaissance to provide baseline information on the environmental occurrence of "emerging contaminants" such as human and veterinary pharmaceuticals (e.g., fluoxetine and lincomycin), industrial and household wastewater products (e.g., p-nonyphenol and triclosan), and reproductive and steroidal hormones (e.g., equilenin and progesterone) in water resources. 142 streams, 55 wells, and 7 effluent samples were collected across 36 states as part of this national reconnaissance effort. A majority of the sites sampled were those suspected to be susceptible to emerging contaminants from animal or human wastewaters. This national reconnaissance of emerging contaminants is the first of its kind in the United States. (Source: http://toxics.usgs.gov/highlights/whatsin.html )
Whether your drinking water comes from a private well and aquifer or via a municipal system; whether you have a private onsite wastewater system or connect to a municipal sewer; if you live by an ocean, a lake or a stream - traces of pharmaceutical products have been detected. When prescriptions and over-the-counter drug purchases now run in the billions annually it's not surprising. The general misconception is that the body consumes the total dose - which is far from true. In addition, some municipal wastewater treatment process can increase the toxicity of flushed medications and cannot effectively remove them prior to discharge to a local lake or river.
Although the amounts are measured in parts-per-billion or million, what is the long term accumulative effect on people and the environment? USGS lead research attempts to provide some answers.
To register contact info@wastewatereducation.org - or call 231 233 1806.
The first seminar in this series, Al Alwan, Ph.D.Water Quality Branch, Water Division, Environmental Protection Agency Region 5: Alternative Approaches to Address Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCP) Environmental Fate . - may be viewed at this link. -