Friday, May 2, 2008

Long Distance Sailors Aboard Inland Seas

Friday's Schoolship students came a long way for the program; the morning group was from the Genessee Area Skills Center in Flint, and the afternoon program was from the Good Shepard Montessori School in South Bend, Indiana. The morning featured good weather for this time of year (mostly dry and 49 degrees), but the afternoon was very wet, with heavy rain much of the afternoon.
We again had rotten luck with the new trawl in the morning, finding a snag that kept us from completing the tow. We ended up with lots of mussels and only one tiny round goby. Remy said it was bad luck from someone bring an umbrella aboard (a no-no on a sailing vessel). The kids were great on both sails, and we had a good time despite the wet weather.

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