Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Reflections on the Astronomy Cruise

Pastoral Reflection
I had the recent opportunity to be a part of the Inland Seas schooner night cruise in order to study the stars from Suttons Bay. It was a wonderful experience which will take me a long time to ponder and digest deep within.

I could not help but to experience my littleness within God's greatness. I understood much more graphically what the psalmist would pray as he sings of the praises and the greatness of our God who is able to count the number of the stars, calling each one by awesome, power-filled image of the singular, magnificence of our God. I'd highly recommend an Inland Seas schooner adventure at night. In one sense, it could only have been better if there were no instructor, only pure experience the vastness and greatness of our God. It was almost the feeling and experience of the prayer "Oh Lord, your seas are so vast, my boat so small.." Yet, He holds us safe within Himself.

I am grateful for the gifts we have at our fingertips here in Leelanau County..."Ask, and seek and you will find...knock and it will be opened for you." (Matthew 7:7-11)
-Fr. Jim Doherty, St. Michael Church, Suttons Bay

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