Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Work Begins on New Boat Shop Roof, Inland Seas Almost Iced In

Work began this week on the new Boat Shop roof. The existing roof will be left in place, except for the sheet metal. New 2 x 6 rafters will be added to allow for additional foam insulation (r-51) and 2 new skylights will installed to bring more light into the shop and give a view of the bay from the exhibit area on the upper floor. Seeco Contracting is doing the job, paid for by a generous family foundation.

This photo was taken this morning, when the temperature was 5 degrees F. At least the sun was shining. --Capt. Tom

1 comment:

  1. It is difficult to do some work on a ship when it is snowing but things that needs to be done has to be done. Just do it with precaution cause its better to be safe than sorry.
